
jQuery / prototype conflict

I am using a jQuery hoverIntent.js script for a mega drop down menu system inspired by Son Tonaka's mega drop down w/CSS & jQuery sohtanaka.com/web-design/mega-drop-downs-w-css-jquery. My page includes a prototype.js script that is inserted by a 3rd party supplier (this is a real estate website that loads property search and lead manage...

Applying Hoverintent to a Jquery Hover

Hello all! I'm having some issues with this layout and having a link that displays on hover stay showing! Here's a sample of the table row which is displaying the data... <tr> <td> <div class="heightControl"> <a href="#">data</a> <div class="logRemove"><a href="#" class="sremovelink"></a></div> </div> </td> <td>12.14.09 / 12:3...

Can't get hoverIntent jquery plugin to work

I must be making some obvious mistake but it just doesn't seem to work. <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" sr...

Adding hoverIntent to jquery dropdown

Bit of a jquery Newbie here, so go easy. Basically I'm trying to plug hoverIntent into this dropdown menu: http://www.sooperthemes.com/open-source/jquery/jquery-sooperfish-dropdown-menus I've been stuck with this for a few days now, and I know it's probably very simple, but I can't seem to find the right selector to apply the intent f...

Hoverintent for Prototype / Scriptaculous

Recently came across the HoverIntent plugin for jQuery. It acts like a regular mouseover or hover observer, but waits to fire the action until/if the mouse slows down or rests. With tuning, it makes for interfaces that feel more human responsive. The website I'd like to use it on is committed to a Prototype / Scriptaculous framework...

How do I set a timer XAML.CS which acts like HoverIntent in Javascript

Trying to include a hoverIntent based on the following code: private void ViewerTab_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _mouseOverTabPanel = false; ChangeCurrentPanelPosition(TabPanelPosition.Bottom); } private void ViewerTab_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseE...

Safari MegaMenu c/ hoverIntent problem when rendering over Flash swfobject

I have a bizarre problem that recently surfaced. I have some megamenus -- they are coded very simply as unordered lists and use jQuery. There are coded up very much like this SitePoint tutorial found here. Here's my jquery $j('li>a[topnav], li>div[topnav]').hoverIntent({ sensitivity: 4, interval: 100, over: ShowMenus, t...

can't seem to integrate HoverIntent in my existing Jquery hover code

Hello, I started with an easy Jquery script for a horizontal menu: $(document).ready(function() { $("ul#topn li").hover(function() { //Hover over event on list item $(this).css({ 'background' : '#1376c9 url(topnav_active.gif) repeat-x'}); //Add background color and image on hovered list item $(this).find("span").show(); //Show t...

How to make jQuery Beauty Tip stay open as long as the cursor is over the tooltip text?

I am using jQuery beauty tips (which is also using hoverIntent plugin) and I would like to display an href link inside the tooltip text and allow the user to click on the link. However, as soon as we leave the anchor, the toottip text disappears after some timeout (that we can define) So I would like to keep the the tooltip text opene...