



Hi. I need help supporting back button with jquery ajax.load method.

I have tried a couple of plugins but i cant get any of them to work.

I am loading my content like this:

 $('.pagination a').click(function(){        
            var url = $(this).attr('href');
            return false;

Note: ajaxLoad function executes the jquery load method.

Many thanks for your help.


for back button in ajax you can save page status by Anchor where in each load you change the url anchor (as called page bookmarks) Eg:
//Load Article number 1
//Load Article number 2

you can change it using window.location

you will notice this in Gmail when you look at url read more about anchors with ajax

yes i kwow the theory but i am having troubles put it in practice.

OK i have set my urls like this: href="news.php?page=2#p2

I could add directly ?#page=2 but that would break the links if the user has javascript disabled.

 $('.pagination a').click(function(){
            var hash = window.location.hash;
            var pagetoLoad= window.location.hash.substring(1));


but now how do i update my url with the new page value?

Note that my urls are auto-generated by php and i am using Symfony Framework functions to generate then like this: href="page=1">First

I could call the php function from javascript but some of my links have really big querystrings with lots of php inside. That wouldn´t look very good.

I dont know if there is a best way.I want something that can be reusable without many problems.

This isn't a discussion forum, so you shouldn't be answering your own question with more information. It would be better for you to include this additional info as an edit to your question.
Charles Boyung