Hi All, I'm writing an app where I have a BorderLayout for the entire page. In the south part I have a Panel to which I add FormPanels. I would like to be able to scroll that Panel so I can scroll through the FormPanels.
So far, nothing I've found from searches has helped. I don't quite understand what ExtJS requires in terms of the combination of LayoutManagers, setting the size and setting AutoScroll.
Any partial tips will be gratefully followed up.
A code snippet:
new Ext.Viewport({
layout: "border",
items: [{
region: "north",
contentEl: "title",
height: 50
}, {
region: "center",
id: "mappanel",
title: "Map",
xtype: "gx_mappanel",
map: map,
layers: [layer],
extent: extent,
split: true,
tbar: toolbarItems
}, {
region: "east",
title: "Details",
width: 300,
split: true,
id: "east-panel",
laout: 'fit'
}, {
region: "south",
id: "south-panel",
height: 200
}, {
region: "west",
id: "west-panel",
width: 300
matchedTrailJunctionsPanel = new Ext.Panel({
title: "Matched Trail Junctions2",
id: "matched-trail-junctions",
//layout: 'anchor'
var southPanel = Ext.getCmp('south-panel');
createTrailJunctionPanel = function(trailJunction) {
var trailJunctionPanel = new Ext.form.FormPanel({
labelWidth: 75,
width: 350,
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'Junction Name',
name: 'junction-name'
//anchor: '100% 100%',
height: 100
if(trailJunction.publicTrailSegments.length == 0) {
matchedTrailJunctionsPanel.add(new Ext.form.Label({text: 'No public trails matched'}));
} else {
var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
store: mapMatchObjectStore,
columns: [
{id:'publicTrailSegment',header: 'Trail', width: 160, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'publicTrailSegment'}
stripeRows: true,
autoExpandColumn: 'publicTrailSegment',
height: 350,
width: 600,
title: 'Matched Trail Junctions'