Hi, I am trying to do the following:
in main.cpp:
// Create an array of pointers to Block objects
Block *blk[64];
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
int x_low = i*80;
int y_low = j*45;
blk[j*8+i] = new Block(30, x_low+40.0f, y_low+7.5f, &b);
And then I am trying to pass it to the graphics object I have created:
Graphics g(640, 480, &b, &p, blk[0], number_of_blocks);
the graphics constructor looks like:
Graphics::Graphics(int width, int height, Ball *b, Paddle *p, Block *blk, int number_of_blocks) {
if I look at what is contained in the array from the graphics object, only the first item exists and then all the other items are in hyperspace:
for (int i=0; i<64; i++) {
printf("for block %d, %f, %f ", i, (_blk+(sizeof(_blk)*i))->_x_low, (_blk+(sizeof(_blk)*i))->_y_low);
printf("blah %d\n", (_blk+(sizeof(_blk)*i)));
and if I look at the addresses, they are different (6956552 rather than 2280520 when I examine the addresses in the main class using:
printf(" blah %d\n", &blk[j*8*i]);
I am sure there must be something subtle I am doing wrong as its like I have copied the first item from the blk array to a new address when passed to the graphics object.
Does this make sense? Any ideas?
Cheers, Scott