



I have a team site blog with many posts that I wish to export. I don't see any option outside of exporting the post titles to an Excel sheet. Any ideas? OPML?

+1  A: 

I recently moved my blog from SharePoint to WordPress using BlogML. I first came across it in a post from Chad Gross - Migrating your SharePoint blog

That method involves connecting through Access, which I don't have set up, so I ended up making my own BlogMLWriter that connects directly to the SharePoint object model based on the ones in codeplex for other platforms. I'm happy to send the code if you need it before I get around to finishing the writeup.

Tom Clarkson
Tom, looks like a solution but a lot of work for what I want. +1 and pending answer ;-)

You can export it the following way.

Go to site action -> site settings -> modify all site settings -> site liabraries and lists-> posts->

again click on the post in bread cramp. then you reached in post liabrary. from there you can export it in excel.

No such navigation. After I navigate Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Site Libraries and Lists, the only option I see is to "Customize Posts" which doesn't help.
you need to click on the post link in the bread cramp then you can see the option