





how can i create custom frameworks in cocoa. please tell the steps to create simple frame work like it should contain addition of two number functions in its class.

+1  A: 

Have you read the documentation? The Framework Programming Guide answers the general question (in other words, read the docs then ask more pointed questions).

If you're only adding methods to an existing class, however, just use categories.

Joshua Nozzi
Ya i have read and created one frame work, but when i tried to reuse in another application by importing the framework i am not able to use the method which contains in one of the framework class.
iSight: You need to ask a more specific question about the problem you're having.
Peter Hosey
I have created framework name Addition. It contains class called Add, which has methods called -(float)addFirstNumber:(float)first andSecondNumber:(float)second. I have imported that framework in my sample application to test. But, when i import Add.h as usually done inaccessing mentioned method, i could not access the header file, from the said framework.
iSight: You need to ask that in its own question (and provide much more detail in that question about the problem you're having).
Peter Hosey