



Is it possible to multiply a char by an int?

For example, I am trying to make a graph, with *'s for each time a number occurs.

So something like, but this doesn't work

char star = "*";
int num = 7;

cout << star * num //to output 7 stars
+6  A: 

the way you're doing it will do a numeric multiplication of the binary representation of the '*' character against the number 7 and output the resulting number.

What you want to do (based on your c++ code comment) is this:

char star = '*';
int num = 7;
for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
    cout << star;
}// outputs 7 stars. 

You might try looking into operator overloading if you're going to be doing this a lot in your code.

Something like this... ( I haven't coded C++ in a long, long time. So this won't compile )

  char String::operator*(int total) {
      string strOutput = new string();
      for(int i = 0; i < total; i++ )
        strOutput += *this;

      return strOutput;

Though that code is pretty bad. I haven't worked with C++ in a long time. Take a look at

Essentially you'll build an operator that takes a left hand and right hand, and returns a type. You can put your logic in here to make a re-usable instance of what you're wanting.

Though it seems I get insulted just for proposing ideas, so I won't bother with it any further.

-1. Your code is outright wrong for half a dozen reasons. Hell, it won't even compile.
I didn't claim it was right. I saw a familiar problem and remembered how I solved it years ago - but I don't code C++. No reason to be an asshole.
Sorry; I'm really not *deliberately* trying to be an asshole, although I can see why you would infer as much from this text medium. The truth is I don't frequently downvote unless something is absolutely wrong and I try to leave a comment as to why. Unfortunately, your code qualifies. I realize you don't code in C++, but to allow that code to stand unchallenged as an answer to this question risks having somebody copy/paste it and shoehorn it until it compiles with their code, and that might lead to a memory leak in some program I might use some day.
I'm really not trying to be insulting, and I apologize for my tone. In fact, I'd be more than happy to discuss the reasons I downvoted in greater detail, if you like.
Then you have a lot of work to do, since 90% of the code on this site doesn't compile verbatim. I've always found stackoverflow to be helpful and informative for discussion and concepts, heaven forbid someone try to give back. I even put in the disclaimer of 'the code is pretty bad' and 'I haven't worked in C++ in a long time'.
Don't stress over it. It's a button on a webpage, you don't need to justify it. I'll stick to my areas of experience.
Believe me, I understand the desire to give back; it's why I spend so much time here in the first place. But I'd be happy to help you extend your experience in C++, if you like.
It is generally considered poor taste to give built-in operators surprising meanings. Wouldn't giving that member function a name that describes its meaning be better than naming it operator*, which could mean anything? The standard string class doesn't support that operator, and using it on a 0-terminated C-style string would be equivalent to writing `string[0]`. So it would confuse readers to say the least.
@janks: It's bad form to give built-in operators surprising meanings, like using the bit-shift operators for input and output? I know I'm being harsh, but this is one of the things that while "standard" now in C++, is really counter-intuitive when coming from C, and still doesn't make a LOT of sense.
Those operators might not have been my first choice either, but the rationale explains why they were chosen, if I recall correctly. But anyway, like it or not, those meanings are supposed to be "unsurprising" now, because they were standardized a dozen years ago, and probably Stroustrup used them long before that. Besides, let's be honest: that shouldn't even break the top 50 on the surprise and confusion list if you're coming from C to C++ ;)
+11  A: 

I wouldn't call that operation "multiplication", that's just confusing. Concatenation is a better word.

In any case, the C++ standard string class, named std::string, has a constructor that's perfect for you.

string ( size_t n, char c );

Content is initialized as a string formed by a repetition of character c, n times.

So you can go like this:

char star = '*';  
int num = 7;
std::cout << std::string(num, star) << std::endl;  

Make sure to include the relevant header, <string>.

+1 for referencing the std library. Too few folks do that these days.
"Concatenation" is also a bad word. There isn't really a word for this, but 'iteration' I think comes closer, since that's really what you have to do to achieve the desired result.
It was 'catenation' when I wrote it.
My dictionary says that one of the definitions of 'concatenation' is 'add by linking or joining so as to form a chain or series'. That strikes me as being an accurate description of this operation.
janks and
-1 for needlessness. A for loop is, by definition, more readable than using the standard library.
+2  A: 

You could do this:

std::cout << std::string(7, '*');
+4  A: 

GMan's over-eningeering of this problem inspired me to do some template meta-programming to further over-engineer it.

#include <iostream>

template<int c, char ch>
class repeater {
  enum { Count = c, Char = ch };
  friend std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &os, const repeater &r) {
    return os << (char)repeater::Char << repeater<repeater::Count-1,repeater::Char>();

template<char ch>
class repeater<0, ch> {
  enum { Char = ch };
friend std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &os, const repeater &r) {
    return os;

main() {
    std::cout << "test" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "8 r = " << repeater<8,'r'>() << std::endl;
Ah, a meta-programming counter-part to me answer. Most excellent. +1 (Careful, you'll get down votes for being "too clever")
@GMan So using a built-in std::string constructor is less readable than a for-loop, but this deserves a +1 from you?
@josh: If you didn't ever see my answer, and the stupidity expressed by some users on this question (and hence my reply to that stupidity), this won't make sense.

The statement should be:

char star = "*";

(star * num) will multiply the ASCII value of '*' with the value stored in num

To output '*' n times, follow the ideas poured in by others.

Hope this helps.
