



I've found wkhtmltopdf, which looks good on the surface and works fine in very small cases, but it doesn't provide any real css control over the rendering.

By that I mean it doesn't use the print media type and page breaks are not respected, as well, on windows you can't control the names of some header/footer variables, or generate a TOC off of teh h1 tags.

Are there any real open source alternatives, I've tried xhtml2pdf which is a python library actually called pisa, but it requires reportlab which doesn't play nice windows.

I'm actually programming in .net but if its good and open source, the language isn't a huge issue.

+1  A: 

While it is not open-source, I use ABCPDF. I have a template page in .NET that I use for a wrapper to set up a custom stylesheet for generating PDFs only.

yeah there are lots of paid alternatives, unfortunately my software will be distributed, so I would need the max license. While my time is valuable, thats a decent chunk of time every year, to tinker more with what kind of works and control it, rather than have not-invented-here syndrome on a core print feature.