I'm coding an MFC application in which i have a dialog box with multiple CListCtrls in report view. I want one of them to be sortable. So i handled the HDM_ITEMCLICK event, and everything works just fine .. Except that if i click on the headers of another CListCtrl, it does sort the OTHER CListCtrl, which does look kind of dumb.
This is apparently due to the fact that headers have an ID of 0, which make the entry in the message map look like this :
ON_NOTIFY(HDN_ITEMCLICK, 0, &Ccreationprogramme::OnHdnItemclickList5)
But since all the headers have an id of zero, apparently every header of my dialog sends the message.
Is there an easy way around this problem ?
EDIT: Maybe i wasn't clear, but i did check the values inside the NMHDR structure. The HwndFrom pointer is different depending on which header is clicked, which doesn't help me a lot since it's value is obviously different at each runtime. The idFrom value is 0, for the very reasons i explained above, because that's the id of every header. Thanks
EDIT2: The hwnd pointer values do also not correspond to the CListCtrl, probably because it's coming from a different object entirely.