Im uploading a file, and then attempting to use fgetcsv to do things to it.
This is my script below. Everything was working fine before i added the file upload portions. Now its not showing any errors, its just not displaying the uploaded data.
Im getting my "file uploaded" notice, and the file is saving properly, but the counter for number of entries is showing 0.
$tmp = $_FILES[csvgo][tmp_name];
$name = "temp.csv";
$tempdir = "csvtemp/";
if(move_uploaded_file($tmp, $tempdir.$name)){ echo "file uploaded<br>"; }
$csvfile = $tempdir.$name;
$fh = fopen($csvfile, 'r');
$headers = fgetcsv($fh);
$data = array();
while (! feof($fh))
$row = fgetcsv($fh);
if (!empty($row))
$obj = new stdClass;
foreach ($row as $i => $value)
$key = $headers[$i];
$obj->$key = $value;
$data[] = $obj;
foreach($data AS $key){
$phone = $key->PHONE;
$fax = $key->Fax;
$email = $key->Email;
// do things with the data here
echo "$c entries <br>";