
How to specify encoding while process csv file in PHP?

<?php $row = 1; $handle = fopen ("test.csv","r"); while ($data = fgetcsv ($handle, 1000, ",")) { $num = count ($data); print "<p> $num fields in line $row: <br>\n"; $row++; for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) { print $data[$c] . "<br>\n"; } } fclose ($handle); ?> The above comes from php manual,but I didn't see whe...

[PHP] fgetcsv() ignores special characters when they are at the beginning of line!

I have a simple script that accepts a CSV file and reads every row into an array. I then cycle through each column of the first row (in my case it holds the questions of a survey) and I print them out. The survey is in french and whenever the first character of a question is a special character (é,ê,ç, etc) fgetcsv simply omits it. Spec...

CSVs without quotes not working with fgetcsv

I'm trying to parse CSV files uploaded by the user through PHP, but it's not working properly. I've uploaded several properly formatted CSVs and it worked fine, however; I have many users trying to import CSV files exported from Excel and they are having problems. I've compared the files to mine and noticed that the Excel files all lack...

PHP - fgetcsv - Delimiter being ignored?

I'm trying to output each line in a csv file, and it seems like the delimiter is being ignored... I'm sure my syntax is wrong somewhere, but can't seem to pinpoint it... The CSV file looks like this: ID,Code,Count TM768889,02001,10 TM768889,02002,10 TM768889,02003,10 TM768889,02004,10 TM768889,02005,10 I'm trying to output: 0 ...

Function fgetcsv won't parse file without blank line at end of file

I'm working on a script to run through a CSV file (see previous post). I ran into a weird thing, where if my actual CSV file itself has a blank line at the end of it, it will open and parse just fine, but if it doesn't, if the end of the file ends at the end of the last line, it just shows up blank. ...

using fopen on uploaded file with php

Im uploading a file, and then attempting to use fgetcsv to do things to it. This is my script below. Everything was working fine before i added the file upload portions. Now its not showing any errors, its just not displaying the uploaded data. Im getting my "file uploaded" notice, and the file is saving properly, but the counter for n...

PHP, Building ID'd array from non-incremental ID'd CSV

Basically, here is my CSV File: 1,"Gold" 2,"English Version" 10,"Sword+0" 11,"Sword+1" 12,"Sword+2" And so on, you get the idea. There are other parts where the ID is not incremental, perhaps one is 2899 and then the next one is 3020. I'm trying to build an array from this with fgetcsv();. I can do it fine, but I've failed so far to m...

How to use PHP fgetcsv to create an array for each piece of data in csv file?

I'm trying to import data from a csv file to some html code to use it in a graph I have already coded. I'm trying to use PHP and fgetcsv to create arrays for each separate piece of data to use PHP to put it into the html code. I know how to open the csv file and to print it using PHP, and how to print each separate row, but not each piec...

Parse a CSV file extracting some of the values but not all.

Good day, I have a local csv file with values that change daily called DailyValues.csv I need to extract the value field of category2 and category4. Then combine, sort and remove duplicates (if any) from the extracted values. Then save it to a new local file NewValues.txt. Here is an example of the DailyValues.csv file: category,dat...

Is there a joomla wrapper for fgetcsv?

Hi-- hoping any Joomla devs out there might be able to tell me if there's a Joomla function for fgetcsv? If not I'll just use the regular PHP stuff, but I'm writing an admin class to import csv data and would prefer to use the core tools if possible. Thanks! ...

importing and mapping data from source file to HTML tables

Hi, php newbie here..I need some PHP help ideas/examples on how to import data from a delimited text file and map them into html tables. The data should populate and be mapped under its proper header. There are instances also where each record doesn't have all the values and if no data, then we can leave it null (See sample records). I w...

Export preg_match_all matches to csv file.

I'm trying to export matches from preg_match_all to a csv file but am getting the following error: Warning: fputcsv() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given This is the section of code I'm having issues with, how can I modify it so I am able to export the matches to a csv file? preg_match_all($pattern, $pos, $matches); $fp = ...

PHP 5.3 fgetcsv \"

I'm importing a CSV from DB2 into MySQL, all goes well until half a million rows in I encounter \" from a column with encrypted data. Here is an example: 100,"foo","bar","µ┬;¬µ┬;→ºµ┬;Öì\" 101,"foo","bar","$⌠ù¶∙$∙µ┬µ┬;→ºµ┬;Öì" When fgetcsv parses this, it escapes the last double quote and includes the next line as if it is part of tha...