




I am trying to specialize template the following way:

template<size_t _1,size_t _2> // workaround: bool consecutive = (_1 == _2 - 1)>
struct integral_index_ {};
template<size_t _1>
struct integral_index_<_1, _1 + 1> { // cannot do arithmetic?
//struct integral_index_<_1, _2, true> { workaround

however I get compiler message error

the template argument list of the partial specialization includes a non
-type argument whose type depends on a template parameter.

what do my doing wrong? thanks

I put workaround in comments. Apparently I cannot do arithmetic in template specialization? seems counterintuitive.

here is my final solution in the problem to be solved. Basically, consecutive index requires one multiplication only.

130 template<size_t _1,size_t _2, bool consecutive = (_1 == _2 - 1)>
131 struct integral_index_ {
132     template<typename T, typename U>
133     __device__
134     static T eval(const T (&N)[4], const U &index) {
135         T j = index/N[_1];
136         return ((index - j*N[_1])*range<0,_1>::multiply(N) +
137                 j*range<0,_2>::multiply(N));
138     }
139 };
141 template<size_t _1,size_t _2>
142 struct integral_index_<_1, _2, true> {
143     template<typename T, typename U>
144     __device__
145     static T eval(const T (&N)[4], const U &index) {
146         return index*range<0,_1>::multiply(N);
147     }
148 };
150 template<size_t _1,size_t _2, typename T, typename U>
151 __device__
152 T integral_index(const T (&N)[4], const U &index) {
153     return integral_index_<_1,_2>::eval(N, index);
154 }
+1  A: 

Try something like this:

template<size_t _1,size_t _2>
struct integral_index_ {};

template<size_t _1>
struct integral_index_2 : public integral_index_<_1, _1+1> {
Brian R. Bondy
I am trying to specialize cases where second argument is one greater than first
Then he loses the effect he wanted.
@aaa: That won't work.
Dietrich Epp
@aaa: See edit.
Brian R. Bondy
helloI just put something similar using third template parameter in the original post

I think the problem is that your attempting to specialize by value instead of type...

You can specialize by value. The problem is the arithmetic within the specialization.

Here's something that works for me: use a default argument for _2 instead of trying to specialize.

template <size_t _1, size_t _2 = _1 + 1>
struct integral_index_ {};

Does that look like what you want?

Chris Lutz
aaa really wants to write a specialized version of the template, not just a default argument.Anyway, he already found a nice workaround with the "bool consecutive = (_1 == _2 - 1)" trick :)
+4  A: 

I am posting my solution is suggested by GMan

130 template<size_t _1,size_t _2, bool consecutive = (_1 == _2 - 1)>
131 struct integral_index_ {
132     template<typename T, typename U>
133     __device__
134     static T eval(const T (&N)[4], const U &index) {
135         T j = index/N[_1];
136         return ((index - j*N[_1])*range<0,_1>::multiply(N) +
137                 j*range<0,_2>::multiply(N));
138     }
139 };
141 template<size_t _1,size_t _2>
142 struct integral_index_<_1, _2, true> {
143     template<typename T, typename U>
144     __device__
145     static T eval(const T (&N)[4], const U &index) {
146         return index*range<0,_1>::multiply(N);
147     }
148 };
150 template<size_t _1,size_t _2, typename T, typename U>
151 __device__
152 T integral_index(const T (&N)[4], const U &index) {
153     return integral_index_<_1,_2>::eval(N, index);
154 }
You can get rid of the static `eval` and just make the value an actual static variable. That way you can access the value as a nested `::value` rather than calling a function (that still happens at runtime).
Dean Michael
Depending what `multiply` does, maybe that expression can even be moved into an `enum`. (After eliminating the call, of course.)
+1  A: 

You can also move the condition from the primary template into the specialization. The trick is that while non-type parameters in sub-expressions aren't allowed in non-type specialization arguments, they are allowed in type arguments

template<bool C> struct bool_ { };

template<int _1, int _2, typename = bool_<true> >
struct mapping {
  // general impl

template<int _1, int _2>
struct mapping<_1, _2, bool_<(_1 + 1) == _2> > {
  // if consecutive

template<int _1, int _2>
struct mapping<_1, _2, bool_<(_1 * 3) == _2> > {
  // triple as large

Occassionally, people also use SFINAE for this. The following accesses ::type which is only there if the condition is true. If it is false, the type is not there and SFINAE sorts out the specialization.

template<int _1, int _2, typename = void>
struct mapping {
  // general impl

template<int _1, int _2>
struct mapping<_1, _2, 
               typename enable_if<(_1 + 1) == _2>::type> {
  // if consecutive

template<int _1, int _2>
struct mapping<_1, _2, 
               typename enable_if<(_1 * 3) == _2>::type> {
  // triple as large

With enable_if being the following well-known template

template<bool C, typename R = void>
struct enable_if { };

template<typename R = void>
struct enable_if<true, R> { typedef R type; };
Johannes Schaub - litb