if your app use this solution , do do you plan port the app to other platform ? for example, iPhone app --> Android or Backberry.
I do not want user it , but some code is exist ...
if your app use this solution , do do you plan port the app to other platform ? for example, iPhone app --> Android or Backberry.
I do not want user it , but some code is exist ...
I have used both KVC (key value coding) and KVO (key value observing) in applications in the past and find it to be a very useful feature of cocoa (and cocoa touch). It does create some challenges for porting, however I do not have any plans to port to Blackberry or Android at the moment.
Any Cocoa code is not going to be easily portable to Android or Blackberry, regardless of whether or not you use KVC or KVO, since Objective-C doesn't exist on those platforms. If you want a cross-platform app, your best bet is to write basic underlying code (such as data models) in C or C++ and write the GUI in Cocoa.