For iphone dev, do you need cocoa touch skills or just objective c?
That is like asking: for Java, do you need just Java or also the Java API. Yes, you need to know the language as well as the available libraries. If you already know Objective-C, then you have the requisite knowledge to read and understand the API documentation for the CocoaTouch APIs, but yes, you will need to know (or at least, lookup) and use the CocoaTouch APIs in order to program the iPhone.
P.S. The iPhoneOS Reference Library may be found at the link. You may also find my Google Custom Search Engine: development/developer/code/coding search, useful for searching for relavent documentation. For example, here is a search performed for UINavigationBar, and another for UIButton.
You will need to learn Cocoa Touch, which is a separate library that shares some of the same common ancestry and libraries as full-on Cocoa.
See here for more details.