




We are planning on building a pay per view (PPV) video solution but we have no idea from where to start. Here are the current givens:

  • it will be hosted on Linux
  • using PHP
  • Database: MySQL

And by PPV I mean: - going to website, selecting a movie to watch/download - going to payment portal and paying - being now able to watch/download

So here is my question, from where to start? is there an existing (recommended) solution that we can download/buy?

Any information would be really appreciated

+1  A: 

I was just reading about someone who had a platform like this intended for adult movies that he was offering, may have even been open source. I'm sorry I forget what it was, but even if your content is G rated, software intended for porn will probably have the features you want so I'd start looking there. It's a big industry so there has to be a few ready made solutions available.

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Thanks for the tip but I think It's making my search even wider now.adding the word "porn" or "adult" to PPV and PHP is tripling the results. could you please be more specific :)
Bassem Hefny
I did a little googling for you. If I was doing it I might start by looking at something like or maybe - That will at least get you started on the video streaming part of it.
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