I ran across a small framework some time back that someone put together for iPhone wait screens. But now I can't find any trace of it. Does anyone have a link to it? It may not be a framework as much as a few code snippets. But the guy had it all pre-made. You just needed to implement and specify the type of wait screen you wanted.
Thanks but looks like that one could be trouble b/c of private APIs: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/416015/iphone-development-non-documented-uiprogresshud-class
2010-04-12 13:57:28
I think MBProgressHUD doesn't use any private API!!!
2010-04-12 19:24:00
Thanks. Do you know how to get it to work with NSURLConnection and its associated delegates? I pass it a method that contains my NSURLConnection setup. The progress displays for the setup method but not all the way through completion of connectionDidFinishLoading.
2010-04-13 06:09:43
Maybe you should use the show and hide methods instead of passing it a method. I hope this works!
2010-04-13 06:45:31
Perfect! Thanks again.
2010-04-13 16:36:16