+6  A: 

You need to load Template Toolkit first, with:

use Template;

To make sure that Template::Toolkit is properly installed on this system, from a console you could run:

perl -MTemplate -e0

If it returns without an error, it means Template.pm wsa loaded succesfully; if not, it will give you an error of "Can't locate Template.pm in @INC...".

David Precious
Hi David,Thanks for the response. I've added use Template; to the head of the script concerned before posting without any luck.The head of the script is as follows:use strict;use warnings;package KPS::TemplateToolkit;use Template;use KPS::Config;use KPS::Globals;Thanks
Out of interest, from a console, run something like:perl -MTemplate -e0- does it give you any error?
David Precious
By the way, I believe that TT's new() method expects a hashref of params, so your invocation should look like Template->new({ ... }) - that should not cause the error you're seeing, though.
David Precious
Thanks a million, this gives me some more ammo to hunt with.Thanks

The code you pasted is just fine.

Your problem is in code you haven't shown us yet because you thought it wasn't relevant.