




I'm writing a PHP script that builds an SQL query by concatenating the string and adding conditions to the WHERE clause as needed.

Would it be better practice to use WHERE 1=1 so that the first condition is satisfied and the script can just concatenate an AND x = 'y' to the query, or should I write the extra code to check if a clause has been added and if not, add the AND ?

The first solution allows for cleaner code in the script but just seems wrong to me.

Confusing question, I know. Let me know if I need to be more clear.


+10  A: 

No, the SQL optimizer will just throw the 1=1 away and be on its way.

Agreed, just make where clauses that are brain-dead easy to optimize (so that your DB engine will catch it) and move on. In a perfect world, you would not implement that BS, but a man's gotta deliver software, you know?
That's what you'd think, but SQL Server (which has the most powerful optimizer) doesn't! See this thread http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sqldatabaseengine/thread/270ad8ad-e3f4-468c-84fc-d8dfa433ffa6
@Andomar, that link covers `id != id` not 1=1, my quick test on my system using `set showplan_all on` shows that the `1=1` is removed.
@KM: Looks like you're right, same on my machine. I expected `id = id` to be just as predictably true as `1=1`
+7  A: 

create an array of the conditions as you determine which ones you need. when you're ready to build the query, check if the array is empty... if it is not empty then print "WHERE" followed by the elements joined together with "AND"s.


since you're using PHP, I'll give some example code:

    $conditions = array();
    if($foo == "bar") {
        $conditions[] = "some_table.foo = 'bar'";
    if($show_future) {
        $conditions[] = "some_table.entry_date > NOW()";
    $sql_where = count($conditions) ? "WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $conditions) : "";
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM some_table $sql_where;";
Ty W
Just for the sake of being picky: `empty($conditions)` ;-)
Álvaro G. Vicario
but then Ty W would need to switch the expressions around.
Matt Ellen
does an empty array evaluate to true or false? for example could you do: $conditions ? "this" : "that";
Ty W
Thanks! It works great. Only thing was you have `$implode()` when it should be `implode()`
typo fixed, glad to help :)
Ty W
To avoid operator precedence trouble, I would strongly recommend using `"WHERE (" . implode(") AND (", $conditions) .")"` instead, so that each condition will be wrapped in parentheses.

I wouldn't be too offended to see a 1=1 in SQL queries, if it was explained somewhere.

That said, if I were doing it in Python, I'd probably do something like:

query = (where_clauses or ["1=1"]).join(" AND ")

So that "real" queries wouldn't need the strange 1=1.

David Wolever

In general, I wouldn't worry about performance at all, until you actually hit a performance issue.

That said, something like 1=1 can have surprising performance consequences. For an example which caught me by suprise, see this question. But then again, there are also cases where prefixing 1=1 will make your query faster! The wise programmer optimizes based on measurement. It's just impossible to predict how a change will impact performance.

+2  A: 

To expand of Ty W's answer, since you're using PHP:

$clauses = array();

// Optionally add one or more clauses to the array like this:
$clauses[] = "test = 2";

// Now generate the WHERE clause:
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM Table ';
$sql .= count($clauses) ? ('WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $clauses)) : '';
Jon Benedicto
very similar examples :)
Ty W

While the 1=1 thing ain't pretty, code generators often do things that ain't pretty. If this is not code that needs to be maintained or understood by anyone (other than the developer building and debugging the generator), then I don't believe the ugliness matters.


PHP offers a nice little function for this: implode. (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.implode.php)

You can use it as follows:

$rawConditions = array("x='y'", "z='a'");
$conditions = "WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $rawConditions);
// $conditions == "WHERE x='y' AND z='a'"