




I am using the following code to determine free space on a volume. The folder was provided using NSOpenPanel. The item selected was a mounted volume and the path returned is \Volumes\Name

NSDictionary* fileAttributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileSystemAttributesAtPath:folder];

unsigned long long size = [[fileAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSystemFreeSize] longLongValue];

Is there a better method to determine the free space on a mounted volume using Cocoa?

Update: This is in fact the best way to determine the free space on a volume. It appeared it wasn't working but that was due to the fact that folder was actually /Volumes rather than /Volume/VolumeName


I'm confused. What's wrong with the solution you provide?

Peter Hosey
Sorry, It seems I believed the code provided was not working but that was due to the fact that folder was "/Volumes" rather than "/Volumes/VOlumeName" which would not reflect the size of the actual volume.

statfs is consistent with results from df. In theory NSFileSystemFreeSize comes from statfs, so your problem should not exist.

You may want to run statfs as below as a replacement for NSFileSystemFreeSize:

#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>

int main()
    struct statfs buf;

    int retval = statfs("/Volumes/KINGSTON", &buf);

    printf("KINGSTON Retval: %d, fundamental file system block size %ld, total data blocks %d, total in 512 blocks: %ld\n",
            retval, buf.f_bsize, buf.f_blocks, (buf.f_bsize / 512) * buf.f_blocks); 
    printf("Free 512 blocks: %ld\n",  (buf.f_bsize / 512) * buf.f_bfree); 
+1  A: 

The code provided IS the best way in Cocoa to determine the free space on a volume. Just make sure that the path provided to [NSFileManagerObj fileSystemAttributesAtPath] includes the full path of the volume. I was deleting the last path component to assure that a folder rather than a file was passed in which resulted in /Volumes being used as the folder which does not give the right results.

NSDictionary* fileAttributes = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileSystemAttributesAtPath:folder];

unsigned long long size = [[fileAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSystemFreeSize] longLongValue];