./cxxtest/cxxtestgen.py -o tests.cpp --error-printer DrawTestSuite.h
g++ -I./cxxtest/ -c tests.cpp
g++ -o tests tests.o Color.o
tests.o: In function `DrawTestSuite::testLinewidthOne()':
tests.cpp:(.text._ZN13DrawTestSuite16t… undefined reference to `Linewidth::Linewidth(double)'
tests.cpp:(.text._ZN13DrawTestSuite16t… undefined reference to `Linewidth::draw(std::basic_ostream<char… std::char_traits<char> >&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [tests] Error 1// DrawTestSuite.h
DrawTestSuite.h contains the unit-test and The test function calls on Linewidth.h to execute the constructer and member function draw.
I have #include "Linewidth.h"
in DrawTestSuite.h.