I have BaseView which implement UIViewController. Every view in project must implement this BaseView.
In BaseView, I have method:
-(void) checkLoginStatus
defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] init];
if(![[defaults objectForKey:@"USERID"] length] > 0 )
Login *login=[[Login alloc] initWithNibName:@"Login" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:login animated:TRUE];
[login release];
[defaults release];
The problem is my Login view also implement BaseView, checks for login, and again open LoginView i.e. stuck in to recursive calling.
Can I check in checkLoginStatus method if request is from LoginView then take no action else check login. Ex:
- (void) checkLoginStatus
**if(SubView is NOT Login){**
defaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] init];
if(![[defaults objectForKey:@"USERID"] length] > 0 )
Login *login=[[Login alloc] initWithNibName:@"Login" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:login animated:TRUE];
[login release];
[defaults release];
Please help..