




HI Could anyone give a sample program to implement the is_same_type type trait in c++?

+5  A: 
#include <iostream>

template< typename T1, typename T2 >
struct is_same_type      { enum { result = false }; };

template< typename T>
struct is_same_type<T,T> { enum { result = true }; };

int main()
    std::cout << is_same_type<int,float>::result << '\n'
              << is_same_type<char,char>::result << '\n';
    return 0;
Why `enum {result = true}`, rather than `static const bool result = true`? Won't the `enum` give `result` the wrong type?
Brooks Moses
So you are setting yourself up as a program writing service now? This really doesn't help the OP (or you) in the long run.
@Brooks: The only reason is that I did TMP when the `enum` trick was still hip and more portable anyway. I agree that nowadays it should be `static const bool result = ...`, but I keep forgetting this...
I'm curious about the enum {} thing too. I've seen this in other code but have only been able to speculate about why its happening.
@Neil: Usually I'm among the first to jump on anyone who seems to post homework questions without a proper tag, but I seriously doubt anyone but me would give their students a TMP problem for homework. And, yes, absent of the homework problem, if people politely ask whether someone could show them something, and if that something is easy enough so that I happen to able to be make it up in <3mins, I don't usually hesitate to show them. That (and the fact that others are quick in pointing out my errors) is what I'm here for, after all.
@jeffamaphone: See e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2172647/
Georg Fritzsche
@sbi Well, I disagree. I too routinely provide provide compilable C++ code in my answers (in fact I always try to ensure the code is compilable - don't always succeed) but ONLY if the OP also put in some effort. But of course you must reply to posts as you see fit.
Hi this by no means is an Home Work.. I am just very confused about Templates and Type Traits.. I tried looking up a lot of sites but have not found a single one which in simple correct term explain type traits or Templates.. I decided the next best way to learn is to read from code samples and try to figure out the pieces.. If any body experienced have a better way to understand Meta Programming and Type traits I will be glad and thankful..
Eternal Learner
@Srinivasa: Get a copy of *"Modern C++ programming"*, it should get you started.
Georg Fritzsche
You could try some books. If you are comfortable with templates in C++, Meta Template Programming by David Abrahams and Alexei Gurtovoy is a must read :)
Matthieu M.
I am a beginner to Template Programming in C++ and it looks and sounds so very different from all the c++ I had learned earlier.
Eternal Learner
@Srinivasa: Then maybe a more basic book would be better (like *"C++ Templates The Complete Guide"*) - note that there is a C++ book list on SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list
Georg Fritzsche
@Srinivasa: If you want to learn about traits, Nathan Myers' classic http://www.cantrip.org/traits.html might be the first publication on it. I second the recommendation of _C++ Templates The Complete Guide_. It's got all the basics you need to understand templates. You can take it from there. Both _Modern C++ Design_ and _C++ Template Metaprogramming_ are great books, but might be a bit tall for someone who doesn't know enough of the basics of templates.
Thanks..Will look into that..
Eternal Learner