You mean something like so?:
Insert EffectiveDatedAttributes ( Id, Col1, Col2....)
select unique eda.productauthorization, 'Attribute1', 'Attribute2'....
from effectivedatedattributes eda
inner join partyrelationship pr
on eda.productauthorization = pr.ID
where pr.class = 'com.pmc.model.bind.ProductAuthorization';
Or is it the case that you have other tables involved in what should be inserted?
EDIT Given the additional details you provided in comments, you will need to generate ID values that go into EffectiveDateAttributes
. Here is a very of the query that would not require the use of Common Table Expressions:
Insert EffectiveDateAttributes( Id, Col1, Col2, Col3, ..., )
Select Distinct
Select Count(*) + LastId.Id + 1
From PartyRelationship As PR1
Where PR1.class = 'com.pmc.model.bind.ProductAuthorization';
And PR1.ID < PR.ID
) Id
, PR.ID, 'Static Value 1', 'Static Value 2', PR.Col1, PR.Col2...
From PartyRelationship PR
Join EffectiveDateAttributes EDA
On EDA.ProductAuthorization = PR.ID
Cross Join (
Select Max(ID) Id
From EffectiveDateAttributes
) As LastId
Where PR.class = 'com.pmc.model.bind.ProductAuthorization'
I'm still not quite convinced I need the join to EffectiveDateAttributes. It's only purpose is to ensure that any values we evaluate in the PartyRelationship table exist in the EffectiveDateAttributes table. If that does not matter, then it can be removed.
Second, I generated a sequence by querying for the count of all values of PartyRelationship less than the current value. That will give me a sequence of numbers starting at zero. I then add the highest ID value that currently exists in EffectiveDateAttributes
and add one and that should give us the next available ID ignoring various transaction isolation issues. There is a simpler method which I'll post shortly.
Also note that in the select statement, you can include additional static values that are used to insert into your table. In your original query I notice that you used the word "unique" instead of Distinct
. The ANSI standard word for ensuring uniqueness in the output of a select statement is Distinct
and Oracle will recognize this.
EDIT Using a Common Table Expression, makes this a bit simpler:
With NumberedTables As
Select PR.ID
From PartyRelationship PR
Join EffectiveDateAttributes EDA
On EDA.ProductAuthorization = PR.ID
Where PR.class = 'com.pmc.model.bind.ProductAuthorization'
Group By PR.ID
, LastIdUsed As
Select Max(ID) Id
From EffectiveDateAttributes
Insert EffectiveDateAttributes( Id, Col1, Col2, Col3, ..., )
Select Num + LastIdUsed.Id, 'Static Value 1', 'Static Value 2', PR.Col1, PR.Col2...
From NumberedTables
Join PartyRelationship PR
On PR.ID = NumberedTables.ID
Cross Join LastIdUsed