



I'm looking to enable/configure the Hudson plugins logging to show when/what the plugin actions are executed. I'm currently interested in FTP Uploader Plugin but a general config will be more than useful:


You can set up your own "log recorder" to capture a predefined set of log messages under Manage Hudson -> System log. However, you need to know the "log path" used by whatever you want to follow. For example, I set up a Subversion log recorder to record log messages marked hudson.scm.SubversionSCM to try to track down an issue with our subversion server. For me, figuring out the log path was a big stumbling block because I couldn't find any way to get a list of paths that the various Hudson plugins were using for their own messages.

I think by looking at the Hudson code layout, you can derive the path under which a given java file will log messages:

The Subversion plugin lives in plugins/subversion/src/main/java/hudson/scm/ (and there are other java files in the same directory).

The FTP Uploader lives in plugins/ftppublisher/src/main/java/com/zanox/hudson/plugins/ So maybe you should make a log recorder with the path com.zanox.hudson.plugins.FTPPublisher? (Now I'm just guessing though.)

Be warned, I haven't looked at Hudson logging for a little while, so this may be out of date and there may be an easier way. Also my terminology is probably atrocious -- I couldn't think of a better term than "log path"?!?

Dave Bacher