




after deploying, i get the error below after loggingin.

Sf 1.3, sfDoctrineGuardPlugin. And i have this schema.yml in config/doctrine:

    extends: sfGuardUser
    type: simple
      type: string(128)
      notnull: false
      unique: true
    nombre_apellidos: string(60)
    sexo: string(5)
    fecha_nac: date
    provincia: string(60)
    localidad: string(255)
    email_address: string(255)
    fotografia: string(255)
    avatar: string(255)
    avatar_mensajes: string(255)
      local: user1_id
      foreign: user2_id
      refClass: AmigoUsuario
      equal: true

500 | Internal Server Error | Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException Unknown record property / related component "algorithm" on "sfGuardUser" stack trace

    * at ()
      in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Record/Filter/Standard.php line 55 ...
              52.      */
              53.     public function filterGet(Doctrine_Record $record, $name)
              54.     {
              55.         throw new Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException(sprintf('Unknown record property / related component "%s" on "%s"', $name, get_class($record)));
              56.     }
              57. } 
    * at Doctrine_Record_Filter_Standard->filterGet(object('sfGuardUser'), 'algorithm')
      in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Record.php line 1382 ...
            1379.             $success = false;
            1380.             foreach ($this->_table->getFilters() as $filter) {
            1381.                 try {
            1382.                     $value = $filter->filterGet($this, $fieldName);
            1383.                     $success = true;
            1384.                 } catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {}
            1385.             }
    * at Doctrine_Record->_get('algorithm', 1)
      in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Record.php line 1337 ...
            1334.                 return $this->$accessor($load);
            1335.             }
            1336.         }
            1337.         return $this->_get($fieldName, $load);
            1338.     }
            1340.     protected function _get($fieldName, $load = true)
    * at Doctrine_Record->get('algorithm')
      in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/record/sfDoctrineRecord.class.php line 212 ...
             209.         return call_user_func_array(
             210.           array($this, $verb),
             211.           array_merge(array($entityName), $arguments)
             212.         );
             213.       } else {
             214.         $failed = true;
             215.       }
    * at sfDoctrineRecord->__call(array(object('sfGuardUser'), 'get'), array('algorithm'))
      in n/a line n/a ...
    * at sfGuardUser->getAlgorithm('getAlgorithm', array())
      in SF_ROOT_DIR/plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/lib/model/doctrine/PluginsfGuardUser.class.php line 96 ...
              93.    */
              94.   public function checkPasswordByGuard($password)
              95.   {
              96.     $algorithm = $this->getAlgorithm();
              97.     if (false !== $pos = strpos($algorithm, '::'))
              98.     {
              99.       $algorithm = array(substr($algorithm, 0, $pos), substr($algorithm, $pos + 2));
    * at PluginsfGuardUser->checkPasswordByGuard()
      in SF_ROOT_DIR/plugins/sfDoctrineGuardPlugin/lib/model/doctrine/PluginsfGuardUser.class.php line 83 ...
              80.     }
              81.     else
              82.     {
              83.       return $this->checkPasswordByGuard($password);
              84.     }
              85.   }
    * at PluginsfGuardUser->checkPassword('m')
      in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/sfGuardValidatorUserByEmail.class.php line 28 ...
              25.     {
              26.       // password is ok?
              28.       if ($user->checkPassword($password))
              29.       {
              31.           //die("entro");
    * at sfGuardValidatorUserByEmail->doClean('m')

Here you have also my frontend_dev.log

Apr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signin" (/login) Apr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_signout" (/logout) Apr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Connect sfRoute "sf_guard_password" (/request_password) Apr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfPatternRouting} Match route "sf_guard_signin" (/login) for /login with parameters array ( 'module' => 'sfGuardAuth', 'action' => 'signin',) abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfRenderingFilter" abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfCommonFilter" abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfFilterChain} Executing filter "sfExecutionFilter" abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfGuardAuthActions} Call "sfGuardAuthActions->executeSignin()" abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {Doctrine_Connection_Mysql} exec : SET NAMES 'UTF8' - () abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {Doctrine_Connection_Statement} execute : SELECT AS s_id, s.username AS s_username, s.nombre_apellidos AS s__nombre_apellidos, s.sexo AS s__sexo, s.fecha_nac AS s__fecha_nac, s.provincia AS s_provincia, s.localidad AS s_localidad, s.email_address AS s__email_address, s.fotografia AS s_fotografia, s.avatar AS s_avatar, s.avatar_mensajes AS s__avatar_mensajes FROM sf_guard_user s WHERE (s.email_address = ?) LIMIT 1 - ([email protected]) abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [err] {Doctrine_Record_UnknownPropertyException} Unknown record property / related component "algorithm" on "sfGuardUser" abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send status "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error" abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfWebResponse} Send header "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8" abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Configuration 16.42 ms (8) abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Factories 123.17 ms (1) abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Action "sfGuardAuth/signin" 211.86 ms (1) abr 15 07:15:23 symfony [info] {sfWebDebugLogger} Database (Doctrine) 0.01 ms (2)

Any idea?



If you change the field names, the entire plugin will break. You will need to rollback those changes, or rewrite every call of $user->getId(), $user->getUsername(), etc

Thanks, but I don't understand you.. What field names am i changing? Why the error is only in the remote host? I've just added the frontend_dev.log at the end of my question.
Things like `location` changed to `provincia`
sorry, but where is 'location' ?
That was what the field was originally called. I give up.