



Hello all im using one main QNetworkAccessManager that is in singleton class every time some part from the application that looks like this :

    manager    = new QNetworkAccessManager();

QNetworkAccessManager* NetWorkService::getManager()
    return manager;

needs to preform http call it calls the getManager() method that returens the one and only poiner to QNetworkAccessManager each module for example in my case webkit module and none webkit but simple module that preform http calles has its own signals , but no matter which http call i preform i allays get result in the webkit signal that looks like this : this is in the webkit module :

 connect(view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), SLOT(finishLoading(bool)));
and this is in the simple http calls module :

     QEventLoop loop;
     QNetworkReply *reply = networkManager->get(request);
     connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));

     QByteArray data=reply->readAll();

i never get any data into data variable only in the finishLoading callback

why ?