




I am trying to put an .msi for download in a virtual directory setup with IIS.

The download works fine but when I try and install the .msi, it says it is missing a _cabinet file.

Me and a coworker had this issue will the installer downloaded fine & ran correctly on another coworker's machine.

Am I missing anything?

Is it a better approach to send the .msi as a byte[] via a webservice and assemble it on the client side?


Are you sure the MSI is corrupt? MSI files have a self-checksum that's verified by the windows installer, if there is corruption a different error is displayed.

I would compare a hash of a failing one with that of one that works, if they are the same the problem is with the way the MSI was compiled.

Alex K.
On other machine, the IIS is not serving the .msi at all. It has no problems serving text files and .CAB files. any clues?