Let's assume that I would be a good programmer and I knew that my (non programming) customer will have to decide between me and a competitor. Let's say that I, as an experienced programmer, would obviously see that my competitor is inexperienced and trying to fool the customer with some nice presentations or an expensive suit.
And here is my problem: How can I empower my customer with the aibility to distinguish between a good and a bad programmer? What can I tell or teach him to be able to look a bit behind the scene?
Same problem, other situation: The nice guy from HR has to hire some programmers on his own. How can I brief him?
Here some solutions that seem obvious, but do not work well:
- Tell the HR guy to send the best 10 candidates to me. (Changing the assumption -- "non programming person" -- is a solution, but not to this problem.)
- Give the customer 5 questions he should ask the competitor. (Bad style and the customer still has no clue.)
- Teach the customer how to code. (errrr ... try again please)