I know how to change the state of the regular button, as well as change the background color of a regular button. However, when I do UIButton:setBackgroundImage
(customized button), then I cant change the state anymore. I want, when the user click on it, something visually would happen to let the user know that button is selected, and when the user click again it go back to the regular state. I try to change the background of the button, but it doesnt work. Here is how I create my customized button
UIButton *b = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
b.frame = CGRectMake(X, Y, H, W);
UIImage *iv = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:picFilePath];
[b setBackgroundImage:iv forState:UIControlStateNormal];
The images for the buttons are taken by the iPhone camera, therefore cant use different picture for selected state
[button setAlpha:0.8]
That would lighten up the button, is there something that would darken the button?