While COMET is very nice, it's not the only solution! Usual polling with time intervals (as opposed to COMET long polling) is still commonly used. It's also possible to require a manual refresh by the user.
Take Stackoverflow as an example - for most things you must refresh your browser manually to see the changes. I think, it's commonly perceived as normal and expected. COMET or frequent polling are an added bonus.
The problem with COMET is, that it can easily lead to lots of threads on the server. Except, if you additionally use asynchronous processing (also called "Advanced IO"), which is not too well supported yet (e.g. doesn't work with HTTPS in Glassfish v3 due to a severe bug), can lead to problems with Apache connectors etc.
The problem with frequent polling is, that it creates additional traffic. So, it's often necessary to make the polling less frequent, which will make it less convenient for the end user.
So you will have to weigh the options for your particular situation.