



I am messing around with assembly for the first time, and can't seem to change the index values of an array. Here's the method I am working on

int ascending_sort( char arrayOfLetters[], int arraySize )
   char temp;



And these are what I tried

mov temp, 'X'
mov al, temp
mov arrayOfLetters[0], al

And this gave me an error C2415: improper operand type

so I tried

mov temp, 'X'
mov al, temp
mov BYTE PTR arrayOfLetters[0], al

This complied, but it didn't change the array...


This SO question deals with reading the elements of an array instead of modifying them, but I suspect that the underlying explanation will be largely the same (namely that arrayOfLetters needs to be treated as a pointer):

Michael Burr

The arrayOfLetters value is equivalent to a pointer. So, your assembly code might need to be:

mov temp, 'X' 
mov al, temp 
mov edx, arrayOfLetters
mov [edx], al 

In the above code, edx is loaded with the address of arrayOfLetters. Then the last instruction stores the al byte into the address pointed to by edx.

Greg Hewgill
+1  A: 

When you have a parameter or varaible that is an array, it is actually a pointer to the first element of the array. You have to deference that pointer in order to change the data that it points to. For example:

mov eax, arrayOfLetter
mov [eax], 0x58

Or, more generically:

mov eax, arrayOfLetter
mov [eax+index], 0x58
Remy Lebeau - TeamB