




I have a list of Point objects, (each one with x,y properties) and would like to find the left-most and right-most points. I've been trying to do it with find_if, but i'm not sure its the way to go, because i can't seem to pass a comparator instance. Is find_if the way to go? Seems not. So, is there an algorithm in <algorithm> to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

typedef struct Point{
        float x;
        float y;
} Point;

bool left(Point& p1,Point& p2)
        return p1.x < p2.x;

int main(){
        Point p1 ={-1,0};
        Point p2 ={1,0};
        Point p3 ={5,0};
        Point p4 ={7,0};

        list <Point> points;


        //Should return an interator to p1.

        return 0;
+3  A: 

Use std::min_element and std::max_element instead.

list<Point>::iterator left = std::min_element(points.begin(), points.end(), left);
list<Point>::iterator right = std::max_element(points.begin(), points.end(), left);

I would also change the signature of left to:

bool left(const Point& p1, const Point& p2)
Andreas Brinck
Thanks. Had to create a struct left{bool operator(){...}}; to make it work
@Tom The problem seems to be that the name `left` clashes with something, if I change the function name to `foo` I don't need a functor but can pass the function directly.
Andreas Brinck
+1 If performance is a concern you can write your own algorithm that does both in a single pass over the list and returns a pair of min/max.
Mark B

If you use pair<float, float> instead of your own Point, there's no need for a special comparator. There would also be an ordering on the y-axis of points with the same x-coordinate, which can be useful.

There are various ways to imbue typedef pair<float, float> Point; with custom behavior, if you're so inclined. For example,

typedef pair<float, float> Point;

enum AxisUnit { x, y };
float &operator*( Point &p, AxisUnit c ) // "special case" of inner product
     { return c == x? p.first : p.second; }

Point my_point( 2.5, 6.3 );
float x_coord = my_point * x;
thanks, but the Point is fixed in the project.

even better would be to use the boost minmax element:

#include <boost/algorithm/minmax_element.hpp>
auto res = boost::minmax_element(points.begin(), points.end(), left);

std::cout << "min: " << res.first << std::endl;
std::cout << "max: " << res.second << std::endl;