



Hey, I am new to soapUI 3.5. I tried some wsdl that acquire security against web service deployed on jboss 4.2.1

while running test on soapUI . It gives me

     <env:Envelope xmlns:env=""&gt;
     <faultstring> Required element did not contain a wsu:id.</faultstring>

Any suggestions ?

Thanks in advance


I don't believe this is a security exception. I believe your WSDL is malformed or otherwise incompatible with the soapUI testing tool. Its likely that other testing tools or client libraries will also throw exceptions. Was this WSDL auto-generated? It should have been...


The server that you ran against didn't like your request. Probably because SoapUI built the sample using ? as placeholders, or perhaps "lorem ipsum" values. Replace those with valid data, and it should go through.

If you have an app that can already talk to this server, you can usually copy/paste those requests into SoapUI.

Also, if you aren't able to capture those sample requests, run Fiddler on a PC, and it'll act as a proxy, and then it'll give you an easy way to capture sample payloads. SoapUI can do it too, but Fiddler makes it really easy (auto-configures your WinInet to use itself as a proxy).

Chris Thornton