Description of the problem:
- Several Web Services that will be deployed in Websphere, Weblogic and Jboss.
- Jboss uses axis2, the others don't.
- I want to have only one wsdl per Web service.
- I want to keep the same endpoint/url across the different target platforms.
- At the moment the wsdls are different (basically the name of the service to have the same endpoint for all platforms), but I want to keep the ones I use in Weblogic/Websphere.
The wsdls we want to keep have this format describing the service:
<wsdl:service name="FooBarService">
<wsdl:port name="FooBar" binding="tns:FooBarBinding">
<soap:address location="http://localhost/bla/services/FooBar"/>
But the endpoint/url for the webservice is (this is the one I want for all platforms):
Endpoint: hhttp://blabla:9080/bla/services/FOOBAR
Definition URL: hhttp://blabla:9080/bla/services/FOOBAR?wsdl
This is because (I think) we map in the web-services.xml
Is there any way to get this with axis2?
I want to use the same wsdl without any changes, and use the same endpoint url (in capitals). So I need to map this somehow by configuration as with axis2 it takes the endpoint and url from the wsdl.
Endpoint: hhttp://blabla:9080/bla/services/FooBarService
Definition URL: hhttp://blabla:9080/bla/services/FooBarService?wsdl
I tried with parameters in the service.xml (servicePath, httpFrontendHostUrl...) but it didn't work.
any ideas?? Thanks