How can I add new application mapping in IIS using vbscript?
How can I add new application mapping in IIS using vbscript?
Use a combination of ADSI with VBScript. There are several examples here: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/library/IIS/4b976f46-3751-4f6b-ab68-5e19fa73a7b1.mspx
Basically you could use adsutil.vbs
to manipulate the ScriptMaps within the MetaBase.
Unfortunately, adsutil.vbs
is unable to set single items in LIST properties like ScriptMaps. You can only set or delete the list as a whole. Any additional processing would require your own coding.
A person named David Wang has made a VB script that has this capability. He explained in more detail in his blog entry on the topic. The script he made can be copied from there. You can modify other LIST properties with it as well.