To clearly see what's going on, I recommend include the this
pointer in the output to identify which A is calling the method.
A() {cout<<"A (" << this << ") Construction" <<endl;}
A(A const& a){cout<<"A (" << &a << "->" << this << ") Copy Construction"<<endl;}
~A() {cout<<"A (" << this << ") Destruction" <<endl;}
The output I've got is
A (0xbffff8cf) Construction
A (0xbffff8cf->0x100160) Copy Construction
A (0xbffff8cf) Destruction
A (0xbffff8ce) Construction
A (0x100160->0x100170) Copy Construction
A (0xbffff8ce->0x100171) Copy Construction
A (0x100160) Destruction
A (0xbffff8ce) Destruction
A (0x100170) Destruction
A (0x100171) Destruction
So the flow can be interpreted as:
- The temporary A (…cf) is created.
- The temporary A (…cf) is copied into the vector (…60).
- The temporary A (…cf) is destroyed.
- Another temporary A (…ce) is created.
- The vector is expanded, and the old A (…60) in that vector is copied to the new place (…70)
- The other temporary A (…ce) is copied into the vector (…71).
- All unnecessary copies of A (…60, …ce) are now destroyed.
- The vector is destroyed, so the A's (…70, …71) inside are also destroyed.
Step 5 will be gone if you do
vector<A> t;
t.reserve(2); // <-- reserve space for 2 items.
The output will become:
A (0xbffff8cf) Construction
A (0xbffff8cf->0x100160) Copy Construction
A (0xbffff8cf) Destruction
A (0xbffff8ce) Construction
A (0xbffff8ce->0x100161) Copy Construction
A (0xbffff8ce) Destruction
A (0x100160) Destruction
A (0x100161) Destruction