



Have an image field and want to insert into this from a hex string:

insert into imageTable(imageField) 
values(convert(image, 0x3C3F78...))

however when I run select the value is return with an extra 0 as 0x03C3F78...

This extra 0 is causing a problem in another application, I dont want it.

How to stop the extra 0 being added?

The schema is:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[templates](
    [templateId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [templateName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [templateBody] [image] NOT NULL,
    [templateType] [int] NULL)

and the query is:

insert into templates(templateName, templateBody, templateType) 
values('I love stackoverflow', convert(image, 0x3C3F786D6C2076657273696F6E3D.......), 2)

the actual hex string is quite large to post here.

+1  A: 

This is correct for 0x0: each pair of digits makes one byte so 0x00 has the value stored

When I run SELECT convert(varbinary(max), 0x55) I get 0x55 out on SQL Server 2008. SELECT convert(varbinary(max), 85) gives me 0x00000055 which is correct is 85 is a 32 bit integer

What datatype are you casting to varbinary?

Edit: I still can't reproduce using image not varbinary

Some questions though:

  • is this an upgraded database? What is the compatibility level?
  • why use image: use varbinary(max) instead
  • what happens when you change everything to varbinary?
I select an existing value it return 0x3C3F78... and then insert it as a new record. Then selecting the new one return 0x03C3F78.... where did the leading zero come from? It's causing an error elsewhere in an application.
@rotary_engine: what is the *exact* SQL you are running please and the table schema.
updat to include the schema and sql but the actual hex value is way too big to post here...
thanks for your help. image is not my choice and not going to upgrade all the instances just for this. however ended up using some c# code to convert the data into a byte array and insert into database.