



Hi All, I am working on a problem that I need to find all the shortest path between two nodes in a given directed unweighted graph. I have used BFS algorithm to do the job, but unfortunately I can only print one shortest path not all of them, for example if they are 4 paths having lenght 3, my algorithm only prints the first one but I would like it to print all the four shortest paths. I was wondering in the following code, how should I change it so that all the shortest paths between two nodes could be printed out?

class graphNode{
        int id;
        string name;
        bool status;
        double weight;

map<int, map<int,graphNode>* > graph; 

int Graph::BFS(graphNode &v, graphNode &w){

    queue <int> q;
    map <int, int> map1;  // this is to check if the node has been visited or not.
    std::string str= "";
    map<int,int> inQ;  // just to check that we do not insert the same iterm twice in the queue

    map <int, map<int, graphNode>* >::iterator pos;
    pos = graph.find(;
    if(pos == graph.end()) {
        cout << << " does not exists in the graph " <<endl;
        return 1;


    int parents[graph.size()+1];   // this vector keeps track of the parents for the node
    parents[] = -1;

    if (findDirectEdge(, == 1 ){
        cout << " Shortest Path: " << << " -> " << << endl;
        return 1;
    } //if
        int gn;
        map <int, map<int, graphNode>* >::iterator pos;


        while (!q.empty()){
        gn = q.front();
        map<int, int>::iterator it;
        cout << " Popping: " << gn <<endl;

        if (gn =={//backtracing to  print all the nodes if gn is the same as our target node such as
            int current =;
            cout << current << " - > ";
            while (current!{
                current = parents[current];
                cout << current << " -> ";
        cout <<endl;
                          if ((pos = graph.find(gn)) == graph.end()) {
            cout << " pos is empty " <<endl;
        map<int, graphNode>* pn = pos->second;

                          map<int, graphNode>::iterator p = pn->begin();
        while(p != pn->end()) {
            map<int, int>::iterator it;

            it = map1.find(p->first);//map1 keeps track of the visited nodes
            graphNode gn1= p->second;
            if (it== map1.end())    {
                map<int, int>::iterator it1;
                it1 = inQ.find(p->first);  //if the node already exits in the inQ, we do not insert it twice

                if (it1== inQ.end()){
                    parents[p->first] = gn;
                    cout << " inserting " << p->first << " into the queue " <<endl;
                    q.push(p->first);  // add it to the queue
                } //if
            }  //if
          } //while

    } //while

I do appreciate all your great help Thanks, Andra

  1. map<int, map<int,graphNode>* > graph declares a graph with one graphNode object per edge.

    One graphNode per node would have type map<int, map<int,graphNode*> > or, even better, map<graphNode*, set /* or vector */<graphNode*> >, or perhaps better yet, multimap< graphNode *, graphNode * >.

    The graphNodes need to be stored in a separate structure (say, vector or deque) from whatever map you use.

  2. int parents[graph.size()+1]; is nonstandard. Use vector<int> parents( graph.size()+1 ); instead.

  3. To answer your question, you want to continue the BFS until you reach the first node of topological order greater than the first result. Introduce a variable int first_id_of_next_level =;. (Or better, use a pointer.) When you find a match, append its path to a list of paths. When gn == first_id_of_next_level, either return the list if it is not empty or set first_id_of_next_level = p->first, the first child of the current parent, so you know the next opportunity to stop the search.
