Php Objects, Patterns and Practice is a bit of a tough entry point for OOP. It was my first source on the subject too, and after the initial grounding it's quite dense. Having said that, I keep coming back to it again, and again, and again - it's a definitive text for PHP OOP IMO, just hard to get started on.
I found Aaron Saray's book on PHP Design Patterns - and it's excellent. It takes all those abstract examples from the book above and shows you how you might implement them in your daily job. It lacks some of the detail and theory of the former - but complements it well.
MVC - (or rather Front Controller) is a bit of a monster to try and grasp at first - it's better to play with a framework before tackling that. Page Controller is a better introduction to the MVC concept.
I agree that PHP OOP is "dirty", but hey, VHS wasn't as good as Betamax, and you can adequately learn OOP concepts in PHP (and deploy them on a webhost...) - although I would suggest that Ruby is probably simpler to grasp than Java (not that I've learn either, just dabbled with both)