



Hi everyone, I'm having troubles with arrays and keys... I have an array from my database:

NSArray *elementArray = [[[menuArray valueForKey:@"meals"] valueForKey:@"recipe"] valueForKey:@"elements"]

The problem here is that I would like all my elements of all my meals of all my menus in an array such that: [elementArray objectAtIndex:0] = my first element etc... In the example above, the elements are separated by the keys. How can I get that?

Hope it's clear enough...



From your code snippet, it is not clear to me exactly how your data is structured, but I think it's analogous to having an NSDictionary (called aDictionary) of NSArray and wanting to combine all the NSArray into one. If this is the case, then:

NSMutableArray *resultArray = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
for (id dictionaryKey in aDictionary) {
    [resultArray addObjectsFromArray:[aDictionary objectForKey:dictionaryKey]];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:resultArray];

(This code has not been tested.)

It doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for... but thanks! Look at my comment (of my own question)
Are you using key-value coding and/or CoreData?
Yes, I'm using core data. The problem is when I get an array of objects (such as my three menus) [ allObjects], I can reach its properties (such as meal, recipe and element) with keys [[ allObjects] valueForKey:@"meal"]. But like I said above, I would like all my elements in an array