If your python runtime environment is the same every time the script is run try moving your initialization to an exception handler. Like so:
velocity_x = (velocity_x * -1)
velocity_x = 0.09
You can also try stuffing the variable into the __main__
module if that doesn't work. Like so:
__main__.velocity_x = (velocity_x * -1)
__main__.velocity_x = 0.09
If that doesn't work you'll need something lightweight and built in like the sqlite3 module.
I rewrote your entire code snippet:
import sqlite3
#The current location of the object
loc_x = obj.getPosition()[0]
loc_y = obj.getPosition()[1]
c = sqlite3.connect('/tmp/globals.db')
#c = sqlite3.connect('/dev/shm/globals.db')
# Using the commented connection line above instead will be
# faster on Linux. But it will not persist beyond a reboot.
# Both statements create the database if it doesn't exist.
# This will auto commit on exiting this context
with c:
# Creates table if it doesn't exist
c.execute('''create table if not exist vectors
(vector_name text primary key not null,
vector_value float not null,
unique (vector_name))''')
# Try to retrieve the value from the vectors table.
c.execute('''select * from vectors''')
vector_count = 0
for vector in c:
vector_count = vector_count + 1
# sqlite3 always returns unicode strings
if vector['vector_name'] == u'x':
vector_x = vector['vector_value']
elif vector['vector_name'] == u'y':
vector_y = vector['vector_value']
# This is a shortcut to avoid exception logic
# Change the count to match the number of vectors
if vector_count != 2:
vector_x = 0.09
vector_y = 0.03
# Insert default x vector. Should only have to do this once
with c:
c.executemany("""replace into stocks values
(?, ?)""", [('x', vector_x), ('y', vector_y)])
#If the location of the object is over 5, bounce off.
if loc_x > 5:
velocity_x = (velocity_x * -1)
if loc_y > 5:
velocity_y = (velocity_y * -1)
# Update stored vectors every time through the loop
with c:
c.executemany("""update or replace stocks set vector_name = ?,
vector_value = ?)""", [('x', vector_x), ('y', vector_y)])
#Every frame set the object's position to the old position plus the velocity
obj.setPosition([(loc_x + velocity_x),(loc_y + velocity_y),0])
# We can also close the connection if we are done with it
Yes it could be tuned into functions or fancy classes but if that is the extent of what you are doing you don't need much more than that.