Hi all, I'm working on a graphical application which looks something like this:
while (Simulator.simulating)
I do this several times a second, and in the vast majority of cases my computation will be taking up 90 - 99% of my processing time. What I would like to do is take out the processInput and draw functions and have each one run independently.
That way, I can have the input thread always checking for input (at a reasonable rate), and the draw thread attempting to redraw at a given frame rate.
The simulator is already (internally) multithreaded and there is no issues with multiple threads writing to the same data (each one processes a segment).
My issue is I'm not sure how I can properly do this. How would I properly initialize my pthread_t and associated pthread_attr_t so that the thread runs without blocking what I'm doing? In other words, how can I create two threads, each of which run an infinite loop?
To generalize even more, I'm trying to figure out how to do this:
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
pthread_create(&th[i], NULL, func[i], NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++)
pthread_join(th[i], NULL);
Where func[i] is some arbitrary function which runs in an infinite loop doing some arbitrary thing.
Any help or even a link is appreciated, thanks!
Edit: I should mention it is an interactive simulator, so I do need to have two infinite loops running independent of each other. I can only seem to run at once.