I am using CreateProcess() to run an external console application in Windows from my GUI application. I would like to somehow gather the output to know whether there were errors. Now I know I have to do something with hStdOutput, but I fail to understand what. I am new to c++ and an inexperienced programmer and I actually don't know what to do with a handle or how to light a pipe.
How do I get the output to some kind of variable (or file)?
This is what I have a the moment:
void email::run(string path,string cmd){
WCHAR * ppath=new(nothrow) WCHAR[path.length()*2];
memset(ppath,' ',path.length()*2);
WCHAR * pcmd= new(nothrow) WCHAR[cmd.length()*2];
memset(pcmd,' ',cmd.length()*2);
string tempstr;
ToWCHAR(path,ppath); //creates WCHAR from my std::string
STARTUPINFO info={sizeof(info)};
info.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; //hide process
if (CreateProcess(ppath,pcmd, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &info, &processInfo))
::WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
This code probably makes any decent programmer scream, but (I shouldn't even say it:) It works ;-)
The Question: How do I use hStdOutput to read the output to a file (for instance)?