



I recently obtained the l0pht-CD for windows and tried it out on my PC and It WORKS!!

I'm designing a "Login-Simulator" that stores pwd-s in a similar manner. The current implementation will be vulnerable to the above attack. Plz could anyone illustrate (in as simple terms as possible), how to strengthen against such a rainbow tables attack.

MY GOAL : Build "Login-Simulator" to be as secure as possible. (Read Hacking Competition ;-) )

Thank You.

+8  A: 

You should use bcrypt, which has been designed by professional cryptographers to do exactly what you're looking for.

In general, you should never invent your own encryption / hashing schemes.
Cryptography is extremely complicated, and you should stick to what has been proven to work.

However, the basic answer to your question is to add a random per-user salt, and switch to a slower hash.

+1 don't ever try to invent your own crypto-stuff
+1 for leaving it to teh professionals :D
@SLaks. Thanks for bcrypt. Regarding the "salt" i have a doubt. if my password is "test123" and salt is "small-salt" then it can still be easily broken. Right?? the aim is to make the salt "really-long-and-computationally-hard-salt" Am i right??...
The salt should be a reasonably long array of completely random bytes.
+8  A: 

Since a rainbow table is a series of precomputed hash chains for various passwords, it is easily foiled by adding a salt to the passwords. Because hash functions usually remove much of the local correspondence between input and output (that is, a small change in input produces large, seemingly unrelated changes in output), even a small salt will be immensely effective.

Best of all, the salt does not need to be secret for this to be effective; the rainbow table needs to be recomputed for all possible password-salt combinations.

John Feminella
+1 for getting to the point. He didn't talk about making his own crypto implementation.