



I have a query

public static function TestQuery(


 $sql = "
SELECT     count(*) AS total
FROM    db.table1
JOIN    db.table2
 ON     table1.fieldID = {$fieldID}

AND    table2.assigned = 'N'";

  $qry = new SQLQuery;
  if($row = $qry->fetchRow()){
   $total = intval($row->total);

 return $total;


which works fine but when I add the limit as below, then it doesnt work and gives me errors

public static function TestQuery(


 $sql = "
SELECT     count(*) AS total
FROM    db.table1
JOIN    db.table2
 ON     table1.fieldID = {$fieldID}

AND    table2.assigned = 'N'";

//this fails   
if($recordlimit > 0) $sql .= "LIMIT {$startRecord}, {$recordLimit} ";  
  $qry = new SQLQuery;
  if($row = $qry->fetchRow()){
   $total = intval($row->total);

 return $total;


Any help will be appreciated

+4  A: 

Put a space in front of LIMIT:

" LIMIT {$startRecord}, {$recordLimit} "

without the space you sql will result in a syntax error.

Edit: This is answer is not correct! MySQL will not error without a space before LIMIT (however, earlier versions of phpmyadmin will incorrectly parse such sql).

Why will there be an error without the space?
Mark Byers
Mysql errors on WHERE field = 'N'LIMIT ...
@webbiedave: Not for me. What version of MySQL are you using?
Mark Byers
intersesting. I'm using 5.0.27-community.
I then tried it on 5.0.51a and it does not error!
@webbiedave: Also no error on 5.1.41-community... strange.
Mark Byers
@Mark Byers: Whoops. Guess what? Error is being caused by earlier versions of phpmyadmin and not mysql!
@webbiedave: Never mind. Error or no error, I still think having the space there is much better style.
Mark Byers
@Mark Byers: agreed.
+2  A: 

Try changing

if($recordlimit > 0) $sql .= "LIMIT {$startRecord}, {$recordLimit} ";


if($recordlimit > 0) $sql .= " LIMIT {$start}, {$limit} ";

It looks like your SQL is getting squished together and should be getting a bad syntax error, and you had the wrong (seemingly) variable names in there.

+3  A: 

Your variables are called $limit and $start:

if($limit > 0) $sql .= " LIMIT {$start}, {$limit} "; 
Mark Byers

wrong variables if($recordlimit > 0) $sql .= "LIMIT {$startRecord}, {$recordLimit} "; solved thanks

If Mark Byers answer is correct, you should accept it. Although I think my and manyxcxi changes are also necessary to get it working.
Please don't post follow-up comments to your question as answers. Also, if an answer provided your solution, please accept it.
Adam Robinson