I have this cpp file.
#ifndef DSETS_CPP
#define DSET_CPP
//Adds elements to the DisjointSet data structure. This function adds
//x unconnected roots to the end of the array.
void DisjointSets::addelements(int x){
//Given an int this function finds the root associated with that node.
int DisjointSets::find(int x){
return 0;
//This function reorders the uptree in order to represent the union of two
void DisjointSets::setunion(int x, int y){
and this header file
#ifndef DSETS_H
#define DSET_H
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class DisjointSets
void addelements(int x);
int find(int x);
void setunion(int x, int y);
vector<int> x;
#include "dsets.cpp"
And I keep getting an error that is saying that "DisjointSets has no been declared"