This is a better understanding of a question I had earlier.
I have the following Objective-C++ object
@interface OCPP
MyCppobj * cppobj;
@implementation OCPP
-(OCPP *) init
cppobj = new MyCppobj;
Then I create a completely differently obj which needs to use cppobj in a boost::shared_ptr (I have no choice in this matter, it's part of a huge library which I cannot change)
@interface NOBJ
-(void) use_cppobj_as_shared_ptr
//get an OCPP obj called occ from somewhere..
//troubling line here
I have tried the following and that failed: I tried synthesising cppobj. Then I created a shared_ptr in "troubling line" in the following way:
MyCppobj * cpp = [occ cppobj];
bsp = boost::shared_ptr<MyCppobj>(cpp);
It works fine first time around. Then I destroy the NOBJ and recreate it. When I for cppobj it's gone. Presumably shared_ptr decided it's no longer needed and did away with it.
So I need help. How can I keep cppobj alive?
Is there a way to destroy bsp (or it's reference to cppobj) without destroying cppobj?