Is it possible to change appearence of "more" item in TabBarController? For example can I add custom views and change layout of tableView containing "more" controllers list?
yes, this is all possible, if you could give us an example of what you want, maybe with a screenshot or something, then we can help you with some code examples
Hi, Vladimir
You can do what you want to do...
by using UITableViewController as a moreview tabbaritem.
and can create a moreview some what similar to the standard moreView controller.
Just find it was already discussed in
So we can get instance of this "More" ViewController using:
UIViewController *moreViewController = tabBarController.moreNavigationController.topViewController;
In fact it is of undocumented class UIMoreListController declared as:
@interface UIMoreListController : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>
moreViewController.view property contain UITableView and we can use it, for example add tableHeaderView:
UITableView *moreTableView = (UITableView*)moreViewController.view;
moreTableView.tableHeaderView = myOwnCustomView;
But I am not sure is this code "applesafe"? Because it use private class although not explicitly. And what if I want to add a view that shouldn't scroll with table? Any ideas?