
You must use some conversion between the 2 types.

Looking at Qt documentation, I found that there is a GUID operator that transform a QUuid to a Windows GUID : http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/quuid.html#operator-GUID

Of course, this is not cross-plateform.

How is QUuid::operator GUID () const used?
..likely something very basic.. Haven't yet understood the correct syntax for this. Qt documentation doesn't have examples on how it is used, so the monkey in me hasn't seen how it should be used.
@whipsnap: It allows implicit conversion from one type to another. Basically, you should be able to make a GUID variable from the QUuid, then pass it: QUuid qid; /* ... */ GUID gid( qid ); The reason it doesn't work for what you are doing is that it is trying to convert a pointer, not an actual object.
Caleb Huitt - cjhuitt
Ok, thanks for clarifying that.

You have to explicitly cast QUuid to GUID:

QUuid boo;
GUID uid = static_cast<GUID>(boo);
Thanks, this worked!