
Qt shell32.dll ShellExecuteA strange behavior. How Can I display a file?

I have some code defined as follows: typedef long (*ShellExecFunct)(long, const char*, const char*, long, long, long); void some_funct() { QLibrary shell32(QString("shell32.dll")); ShellExecFunct viewfile = (ShellExecFunct) shell32.resolve("ShellExecuteA"); if(viewfile) { int res = viewfile(NULL, "open", "c:\\...

Proper QUuid usage in Qt ? (7-Zip DLL usage problems (QLibrary, QUuid GUID conversion, interfaces))

Hi, I'm trying to write a program that would use 7-Zip DLL for reading files from inside archive files (7z, zip etc). Here's where I'm so far: #include QtCore/QCoreApplication #include QLibrary #include QUuid #include iostream using namespace std; #include "7z910/CPP/7zip/Archive/IArchive.h" #include "7z910/CPP/7zip/IStre...